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Wheatcroft CP School

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  • Happy Harvest!

    Wed 23 Oct 2024

    We have once again held several very successful and well attended Harvest Festival Cafe Events to celebrate this lovely time of year. The children really enjoyed performing their musical offerings for friends and family and the adults enjoyed refreshments at the Cafe which raised £183 for Macmillan Cancer Care. Thank you to all who attended - it was a lovely day!


    We have also been once again overwhelmed with kind donations of non perishable food and personal hygiene items from our families which we have donated to the Scarborough Community Fridge and Pantry. Ruth Fairchild from the charity said they are helping in excess of 100 people every week when they open on a Saturday morning and they are delighted to receive such a brilliant amount of stocks to add to their pantry. Thank you to everyone who donated to our collection, it is always very much appreciated.

  • New Wall Art for Wheatcroft!

    Wed 23 Oct 2024

    We are absolutely thrilled to unveil our brand new mural, created by local artist Rew Nurse!


    Rew is a tattoo and graffiti artist who has created some amazing art work around Scarborough over the last few years, most recently a mural at St Augustine's School. We were very excited to invite him along to see what he could do for us!


    Rew has created a wonderful, eye catching center piece to the front of our school. The design showcases key aspects of our fantastic location with our school badge and our community values. We are delighted with the finished piece and to have something so unique to greet children, families and visitors for many years to come. The work perfectly captures what Wheatcroft School means to so many people in our community and have had so many wonderful comments already!


    A massive thank you to Rew for his time creating this fantastic addition to our lovely school and a BIG thank you to the PTA for allocating funds to this project.


    Please see a Rew's video of how the mural came together on his Facebook page here:


  • Great Athletes Paralympian Visit - 23rd September

    Wed 23 Oct 2024

    We were delighted to welcome Paralympic and Invictus Games athlete Sean Gaffney to school on Monday 23rd September. He talked to the children about overcoming adversity, resilience and success after a life changing event and then everyone had great fun taking part in a sponsored circuit training session!


    Sean had an accident preparing for the Royal Tournament in 1999 which left him with a leg amputation which has led to now 36 surgeries! Using his resilience and perseverance, Sean is still competing and breaking world records to this day.

    The aim of the event was to improve levels of physical activity, wellbeing, and academic results in schools by inspiring the children with a real-life sporting role model and encouraging them to follow their dreams.


    The very kind sponsorship from our families raised a truly amazing £1712 which means school receives £853 to spend on resources (the rest goes towards furthering the work of the Great Athletes charity).


    Thank you again to all of our families, Mr Collins for organising and Sean Gaffney for being such a great visitor!

  • Sunglasses & Smiles & Fabulous Fun at the First Ever Wheatcroft Colour Run!

    Thu 21 Mar 2024

    Miss Harper and the PTA were thrilled to bring the excitement of the first ever school Colour Run to Wheatcroft - a first in Scarborough!


    Children and their families were warmed up by our very own Mrs Sweeney-Chisholm before lining up behind Runner 001 - Mr Dyer!!


    As runners did laps of the field they were showered with special, safe powder paint by our volunteers turning once pristine white t shirts into rainbows.... the further people ran, the more colourful they got!


    The event raised £1247.24 - which is amazing!


    What an amazing, joyful and wonderful event enjoyed by so many members of our school community - thank you to everyone who ran, sponsored and  helped out for making this brilliant afternoon such a fantastic success!

  • Year 5 and 6 Get Business-y with the Careers Fair!

    Fri 09 Feb 2024

    We were delighted to host our Careers Fair on Thursday 8th February. Children in Years 5 and 6 visited booths run by parents and friends of the school who have a variety of interesting, enterprising and aspirational jobs. These included a Jellyfish Specialist from Scarborough Sealife Centre, a Helmsman of an Arctic Cruise Ship, a former professional footballer, staff from Green Hedges Nursery and two Graphic Designers - amongst many more! They brought lots of interesting resources, free gifts and expertise for the children to enjoy.


    Pupils spent the morning learning about the different job roles of the volunteers and were able to ask lots of questions to help them understand how subjects that they learn at school are helpful in the working world and the special talents that they can use in different jobs.


    Miss Harper, who organised the event said: "Thank you to all the special visitors who gave up their time to ensure our children had a fantastic time at their Careers Fair. It was a wonderful, buzzing morning in school and we look forward to running it again in 2025".

  • We are Good!

    Fri 02 Feb 2024

    Our school was inspected by Ofsted on 5th and 6th December 2023. We are delighted to be able to say we were graded us as ‘Good’ in all areas with Effective Safeguarding. This is a high benchmark under the current Ofsted Framework.


    We are very pleased with the comments made by the Inspectors. The report is a positive, and accurate, representation of Wheatcroft. 


    Some highlights from the report include the following:

    • Pupils are safe and happy. They are proud to live up to the school’s motto of ‘Learn and Care.”
    • “Pupils receive a high-quality education.”
    • “Pupils learn in a positive environment.”
    • “Most pupils behave well in and out of the classroom. They are polite and courteous to others.”
    • “The school has made improvements to the quality of education.”
    • “The school teaches pupils how to be healthy and happy.”
    • “Leaders are relentless in driving the quality of education further forward.”
    • “Governors know the school well.”
    • “Staff are proud to work at the school.”
    • “Parents are highly complimentary about the school. They recognise that the caring environment helps their child to thrive.”


    The report is a celebration of all the wonderful practice at Wheatcroft and we now look forward to working together to continue moving the school forward and achieving the very best outcomes for every pupil.


    Wheatcroft is not only ‘Good’ ... we are continuously striving to improve and excel through our high expectations.


    We also want to thank all our families for their ongoing support of Wheatcroft.


    News article:

  • Christmas Superstars!

    Thu 21 Dec 2023

    We have had a wonderful term of performance here at school and we have been very lucky to be able to present two wonderful Christmas productions from our EYFS/KS1 children and KS2 children. The younger children put on the beautiful Little Blue Star - with our youngest children in Bluebells doing a fantastic job in their first ever Christmas show! Our Year 3 - 6 children put on Little Angels and the school hall was jam packed with parents and friends.


    Thank you so much to everyone for their hard work performing, supporting and enjoying our Christmas performances - they were superb and a wonderful part of our Wheatcroft Christmas!

  • A Musical Merry Christmas!

    Thu 21 Dec 2023

    We were lucky enough to enjoy a visit from the Salvation Army Band on Wednesday 20th December. The troupe visited to play a selection of favourite Christmas songs for the children - which we all enjoyed very much! The Salvation Army do a wonderful job supporting those less fortunate in our town and we were very pleased to be able to support them with a thank you donation. We look forward to them visiting us again next Christmas!

  • When Wheatcroft Went Green!

    Wed 15 Nov 2023

    Pupils and staff turned out in a sea of green clothing and accessories on Friday, October 27 to celebrate International Dwarfism Awareness Day.


    October is International Dwarfism Awareness month and we were delifgted to support one of our pupils, Alexa, in her quest to raise awareness of dwarfism.


    Alexa prepared a fantastic presentation that she delivered to the whole school, with the help of her younger brother George, who has dwarfism.


    The whole school loved learning about the challenges and successes of those around the world with dwarfism and loved celebrating this event with Alexa and her family.


    At Wheatcroft we are proud of our differences and love to celebrate what makes us special, so we are delighted to help Alexa raise awareness today by wearing green. Alexa's assembly was excellent and we are very proud of her initiative and compassionate nature.



  • Harvest & Fundraising at Wheatcroft!

    Wed 15 Nov 2023

    We were delighted to welcome pupils' parents, family and friends to our recent  Harvest Festival Events.


    Guests were treated to musical performances from the school's Singing Squad and each of our seven classes - from EYFS Bluebells (in their first school performance) to Year 6.


    Whilst enjoying the wonderful entertainment family and friends were able to visit the 'Harvest Cafe' which was supporting the Macmillan Coffee Morning fundraising appeal to buy a warm drink and a tasty treat from the items generously baked or bought and donated. Everyone had a wonderful time and a brilliant £330.10 was raised for Macmillan Cancer Support - beating last year's total.


    Pupils had also been very kindly donating food items for the harvest festival appeal and we were delighted to receive a very generous selection of tinned foods, pasta, rice, sauce, cereals and personal care items from SKW Construction to add to the amazing amount already donated. Ruth Fairchild of the Scarborough Community Fridge food waste project and community group was over the moon to receive such a wonderful selection of items and said that the donations will really help members of the Scarborough community.


