The Governing Body
The Governing Body comprises 12 members and is made up of 5 types of governor:
- One Local Authority appointed representative
- Two Parent Governors (who are elected by the parents)
- The Headteacher
- One Staff Governor (chosen by consent among the staff)
- Seven Co-opted Governors (who are chosen by the members of the
Governing Body)
Each governor serves a term of office of four years but may serve for longer if they are re-elected/re-appointed.
Miss V Lewis is the Clerk to the Governors and can be contacted via the school office.
Governors are encouraged to visit the school on a regular basis to take part in assemblies, School Council meetings and classroom activities so that they become familiar with the day to day workings of the school as well as attending their committee meetings. They also monitor the school's finance; health & safety; quality of curriculum; behaviour and attitudes to learning; personal development and leadership and management. They also have a large amount of responsibility and are held accountable to Ofsted for their strategic role in school.
The designated Governor with responsibility for Safeguarding is Mrs Marie Parkins.
The Register of Business interests currently shows no business interests, no relationships between governors and members of staff, neither are any governors currently serving governors at other educational establishments.
Minutes of Governing Body Meetings 2023 / 2024
Minutes of Governing Body Meetings 2022 / 2023
Copies of Agreed Minutes from previous full governing body and committee meetings are available by written request to the Clerk to the Governing Body, Miss V Lewis either at the school address or by email ( There may be a charge for copying and / or postage as applicable.