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Wheatcroft CP School

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Bluebells Class (EYFS)

In Bluebells we have the youngest children at Wheatcroft School. The children come from many different Nurseries and Pre-school settings to become our class. We have fantastic links to the majority of the settings around Scarborough and work hard to ensure that the transition into school is as smooth and secure for the children as we can.

Mrs Earle is the class teacher from Monday to Thursday and Mrs Stuart teaches the class on a Thursday afternoon and Friday.  

Mrs Davies is the Advanced Level teaching assistant and is at school Monday to Friday. 

Miss Marshall is a teaching assistant, with specialist special educational needs training. She works in EYFS from Monday- Friday too.

At Wheatcroft, we teach through play and follow the children's interests wherever possible. We teach phonics and number in groups and use observations of the children to inform the children's next steps and our planning. We are lucky to have a great space outside as well an inside classroom and the children have access to both throughout all of the day and in all weathers!

