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Writing and Grammar

We are embracing 'Literacy Tree' at Wheatcroft.

Why did we choose to embrace Literacy Tree at Wheatcroft?

At Wheatcroft, reading sits at the heart of Wheatcroft's core values and ethos as an essential life skill. We understand the power of books. Books allow children to explore other worlds and can transport them beyond their own environments and experiences. We immerse children in literature-rich environments and ensure access to a wealth of high-quality and engaging texts. 


Literacy Tree is a complete, book-based approach that ensures all requirements of the Primary English curriculum are met to a high standard. At Wheatcroft, we adapt the schemes of work and select unit plans to suit the needs of our children and our Linked Learning approach.

The books chosen help our Wheatcroft children to grow ideas and expand their minds. Significant and important children's literature is used to create the book-based resources that drive our Writing Curriculum.

How does it work?

It starts at the roots. We select book-based planning sequences called 'Writing Roots', which embed complete curriculum coverage and engage children to write with clear audience and purpose. The Literacy Tree 'Teach Through a Text' pedagogy is the backbone of each writing sequence.

Spelling Seeds are used provide a sequence for teaching spelling and vocabulary in context, through investigation and at the point of application. Spelling Seeds complement Writing Roots and use the same texts to provide further short writing opportunities. Statutory spellings and Spelling Shed lessons are taught in conjunction with Spelling Seeds.

The children's literary knowledge is grown through Literary LeavesWe select a range of sequenced activities that take children through whole books to teach reading comprehension and create critical readers. Literary Leaves use novels, poetry collections and high-quality, non-fiction books that connect to the Writing Roots through Literary Themes.

