Curriculum Overview
OFSTED 2018 - Curriculum
You are passionate about ensuring that the school’s core values of ‘being a caring community, bringing the locality and learning to life and music’ are all central to the school’s curriculum. Pupils experience a rich and vibrant curriculum, which brings learning to life through meaningful contexts. A wide range of trips, including residential visits to East Barnby and France, effectively promotes pupils’ self-confidence and self-belief. The school is now applying to become a ‘Beach school’ after using the local beach in innovative and exciting ways to enhance pupils’ learning. Sport and music are also seen as vital to the development of pupils’ well-being. High-quality after-school clubs, such as Zumba, orchestra, singing squad and musical theatre, ensure that pupils are able to learn new sporting and musical skills; these clubs are all well attended. Pupils pride themselves in their musical ability. Pupils sing beautifully. This reflects in the school being chosen to sing the backing track for a play written by Sir Alan Ayckbourn, which is now used in the play in Broadway. Pupils sing the school song with pride. They talked about the lyrics: ‘Just work hard and be kind. We all learn and care’, and said that this is part of ‘what we do here.’