Supporting Speech, Language & Communication Needs at Wheatcroft
Supporting Speech, Language and Communication Needs at Wheatcroft:
Here at Wheatcroft our Advanced Teaching Assistant Mrs Sweeney-Chisholm co-ordinates our Speech and Language support from our “Sunshine room” based in the SNUG.

We provide support to our children using:
- an intervention called 'Language Link'.
- a specialised company called Seaside SALT (speech and language therapists).
- support from NHS specialists following referrals.
All our children are assessed using 'Language Link' for understanding during their first few months with us in Early Years and are included in 'Language Link' intervention groups should they need it. Please see the link below for further information regarding the Language Link intervention.
We also bring in specialist from Seaside SALT to help children who have more specific speech and language needs around speech sounds and understanding. Seaside SALT provide us and parents with a detailed report and therapy plans to follow. One of their specialists visits us every two weeks to carry out specific therapy plans and to share teaching strategies with us. Please see the link below for further information about Seaside SALT.
For more complex Speech and Language needs a referral is made to the NHS SLCN team. The NHS team visit us regularly for support and also offer sessions for children if needed at their clinic once a child has been assessed by them.
The combination of Language Link, Seaside Salt and NHS support ensures we offer comprehensive Speech and Language provision to our children. as we strive to provide the very best support that we can to ensure every child can reach their full potential.