Miss M Glass is Wheatcroft's Designated Safeguarding Leader and works part time but is in school every day. She ensures all staff are up to date with regular Safeguarding training as well as ensuring all pupils know how to share concerns and speak to staff.
The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leaders are the Headteacher (Mr G Dyer) and Deputy Headteacher (Mrs A Kirby). The Designated Governor with responsibility for Safeguarding is Mrs Marie Parkins. Contact information for the Chair of governors is available from the School Business Manager on 01723 375704.
If parent/carers have any concerns about safeguarding children, please contact any of the staff above. Parent/Carers can also contact Social Care (01609 780780) as well as the Police (999 - emergency or 101) if they have concerns.
Parents can also ring Early Help (Scarborough area) on 01609 534852
For pupils, the NSPCC Childline number is 0800 1111