March update
Dear Parent/Carer
It has been a very exciting week for our Year 5 class who thoroughly enjoyed their three day residential visit to East Barnby. All the children made such positive progress in their confidence, teamwork and resilience through dealing with all the outdoor adventure activities (see photographs) as well as being away from home. Usually, this visit is done in Year 4 but because of the pandemic, we have now caught up our Year 6 class last term and now Year 5. It is Year 4's turn in three weeks!
It was lovely to see how well World book day went yesterday and how the children engaged with the book swap and having the chance to read new ones. Thanks to Mrs Kirby for organising our celebration of this national event.
I hope all our of you managed some quality family time over the half term week and are looking forward to Spring and more time outside.
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Hartley