Summer term update
Dear Parent/Carer
I hope everyone has had a lovely half term and managed to have some time off to enjoy the lovely summer weather last week.
I am really looking forward to seeing all the children return tomorrow and seeing you over this half term.
Over the next seven weeks, the teachers have planned lots of enjoyable learning through their class topics as well as more off site visits involving further Beach school work. Staff have also planned lots of summer sports for PE lessons and playtimes including: cricket, tennis, rounders and athletics so please have outdoor PE kit in school every day as well as water bottles.
Our school priority this term is transition as we prepare all our pupils for their new classes and secondary schools in September.
Mrs Kirby did a lot of work with the children last half term on developing their resilience and independence which we will be continuing to focus on as we prepare for these important next steps.
Miss Hartley